Dreams of a Dreamer

Picture of an afternoon to night sky, a blue one
(I just love this photo)

Nine days into the year 2023. It feels refreshing and brand new. Well, of course. Every day is a new day and maybe our ambition today is differrent from yesterday. Every little things that occurred to us may have changed us bit by bit. And that also impacts in every part of us. Like my ambition. I have changed it a little. 

I suppose it is only nature for human to always change. Doesn't necessarily mean that we don't have any standpoint. Our minds, ambitions, attitude will eventually adapt with the dynamic of life. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? That is something that we should plan on. Whether it's just mentally planning or physically. I usually just plan things mentally. Somewhere in my mind, I write things that I'd do in the future. My brain cells writing this and that, lots of, complex things, that if my hand does it, maybe it will never be complete. I'm grateful as a human, that I'm able to do many things and there's so many more to discover. 

I think I've mentioned it before that I like to think. I love to find meanings in things. There are so many purposes of some things that make them exist in this world. Like me and you. We all have our own purposes. Seen or not, they are always there. I've give my goals a lot of thoughts. Of what I want to do in the future. It's not easy because there are many things to be considered. Let's break it down into things. If someone asks me what will I do this year, as a senior student, I will answer with "I want to go to my dream major". I dream of getting into the Faculty of Psychology, Unpad. I think there will be a lot of things to discover, learn, and experience. I don't know yet how the university life will be, I have yet to experience it, but I have a lot of expectations. I think there will be many life lessons that I can absorb and reflect on myself. I think I will also learn a lot more about human minds, behaviour, personality, and also see them myself in me. I do have some problems within myself that I have to organize, I think that getting into this major will help it. I'd want to write a lot about psychology, one of its topic will be about personality or behaviour. I have read some theories of Carl Jung about personality. I'm also interested in writing about dreams, there are many discussion about it. I think human minds are very 'attractive' to learn and to 'feel'. I specifically choose psychology in Unpad, because it is more of science based rather than social. My mother recommended it and she also graduated from there. There will be many things to learn. Some days, I dream of graduating from this major and be a therapist or a Psychiatrist' assistant or maybe a Psychology researcher and other days I want to be a counselor or neuroscientist and maybe I will start by being a public relations or HRD. I will have to learn more in the area that I'd love to expertise, and that is clinical psychology of children and adolescents. 

Aside from going to university, I will have to graduate first. I'm currently waiting for the list of the eligible students to participate in the SNBP. If I'm not eligible or not passed, I will continue the journey on SNBT. I will learn very diligently and persistent that I will passed the Test and become a Unpad scholar majored in Psychology. I will work for it and I will make it happen. 

Other than those, I'm planning on learning some skills (UI/UX, designing, writing and drawing) when holiday comes. It will be a tough and challenging one. I targeted myself to at least achieve one from four skills. The holiday will be a long one so I may achieve more than one, hopefully.  

I'd like to make this year as the time to learn as much as I can and as wide as the world. I will pray and do things better from now on. Starting from myself and from the smallest things. There are many things to reflect from the past that I will use as a weapon to write the future. I know this will not be easy, but I'm not alone.
